Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Free e-book: How to reduce occupational stress

Free e-book: ‘How to Reduce Occupational Stress’

Book inspired by ancient Greek wisdom
Published: Feb, 12 2015, by John Kyriazoglou
A self-help guide and an approach to manage and reduce occupational stress and improve the mental health of your people
Table of Contents


Chapter 1: The Stress Management Approach
Chapter 2: Occupational Stress Management Action Plan
Chapter 3: Strategy #1: Incorporate Basic Stress Reduction Actions
Chapter 4: Strategy #2: Add Spirituality to Your Basic Stress Reduction Actions
Chapter 5: Strategy #3: Improve Your Stress Reduction Management Process with Better Relationships
Chapter 6: Strategy #4: Strengthen Your Stress Reduction Management Process with More Robustness
Chapter 7: Improve Stress Efforts
Chapter 8: Concluding Remarks


Over 10 appendices with examples of Plans, Policies and Questionnaires that support Part A of the book.