Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Poetry to iprove your life


Poetry to improve your life


I am glad to announce the publication of my new book with the title: ‘The Melina Anthology: Poems from the Heart and Soul’.


This book includes over 100 inspiring poems complemented by numerous Ancient Greek Quotations on connecting with the divine, loving and supporting your family members, improving your personal relationships with your friends and others, supporting your community and sustaining nature.

It also contains methods to assist you in making full use of these poems, such as: A Visualization Process, a set of NLP Techniques and a Personal Wellness Improvement Plan.


This is available at:



In closing, you may also consider the following thoughts of mine on a variety of topics, expressed in 3-line verses, instead of other remarks.


1. Melina

I love your blue-green eyes

Your beautiful divine eyes love me

My eternal happiness is fulfilled.


2. Friendship                      

Two lonely bereft souls with ancient wisdom

Come finally closer and closer once more

With kindness, love, goodness and harmony.


3. Love

Love is a divine idea

But if she does not dwell in our hearts

We will never experience its harmony.


4. Light

Light, divine, omnipotent and eternal

Travels at the absolute speed in the supreme universe

Giving us full energy, wellness and health



5. Nature

When bees die in massive numbers

All nature will be destroyed without return

Extinguishing our lives eventually.


6. Homeland

Earth, the only homeland

It is not mine, nor yours

It belongs to all of us together


7. War

The winds of war are raging

Opponents' flags flutter with momentum

Bringing doom, chaos and destruction.


8. Olympic Games

Flower wreaths crown the best

From all planetary lengths and latitudes

But poverty still remains very-very high.


9. Civilization

With cement, steel and bricks

Villages became giant cities without humanity

Making us prisoners without joy


10. Virtues

Faith and justice bring hope

But only love, kindness, honesty and friendliness

Calm the terrible storms of our life


11. Harmony

Infinity glorifies eternity

The state of zero the final split of the atom

Completing together the Divine harmony


12. Happiness

Arrogant souls hunt for more wealth

Adding huge profits to some people and thousands of companies

But no one has ever found full happiness.


13. Material goods

Material goods are ever-present and omnipotent

Bringing us a better life with conveniences, difficulties but also flexibility

But they do not pacify our souls or make them happy.


Thank you for your support and consideration.


Kind Regards.


John Kyriazoglou

