Monday, January 23, 2012



By John Kyriazoglou*

In today's tough, dynamic, resource-tight and uncertain economy, a company (or organization) needs strong managers to lead its staff toward accomplishing business goals. But managers are not only leaders. They are problem solvers, coordinators, communicators, cheerleaders, and planners as well. And managers don't come in one-size-fits-all shapes or forms. Managers fulfill many roles and have many different responsibilities at each level of management within an organization. Organizations abound in today's society. Groups of individuals constantly join forces to accomplish common goals. Sometimes the goals of these organizations are for profit, such as franchise restaurant chains or clothing retailers. Other times, the goals are more altruistic, such as nonprofit churches or public schools. But no matter what their aims, all these organizations share two things in common: They're made up of people, and certain individuals are in charge of these people. These are the managers.
Managers appear in every organization because organizations want to succeed. These individuals have the sometimes unenviable task of making decisions, solving difficult problems, setting goals, planning strategies, and rallying individuals. And those are just a few of their responsibilities.

To be exact, managers manage themselves, administer and coordinate resources effectively and efficiently to achieve the goals of an organization, manage context, manage relationships, and manage change. In essence, managers get the job done effectively, especially if they manage both themselves and other people very well.

No matter what type of organization they work in, managers are generally responsible for the performance of a group of people. As leaders, managers must encourage this group to reach common organizational goals (at the general level), such as bringing a new product to market in a timely fashion, and also reach specific objectives, such as improve profits by a certain percentage, by the end of a given time period.

To accomplish these general goals and specific objectives, in an organizational products and services framework, managers not only use their human resources, but they also use inputs, methods, and systems, to create outputs which can be translated into products and services for customers, and a control system to achieve all these in the most optimal way.

Author’s Credentials

John Kyriazoglou, CICA, M.S.,B.A(Hon), is an International IT and Management Consultant, author of the book ‘IT STRATEGIC & OPERATIONAL CONTROLS’ (published in 2010 by, and co-author of the book CORPORATE CONTROLS’ ( to be published in 2/2012 by, with Dr. F. Nasuti and Dr. C. Kyriazoglou.




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